The various videos you are about to see will give you a taste of Justin’s content and presentation style. Of course, watching a video won’t provide the same impact as being in a live presentation. Also, Justin tailor-makes each presentation to meet the specific objectives of the event. If you were to book him, the two of you would have a briefing meeting so that he could do the same for you.
Justin also produces short, inspiring motivational videos. You can view them by going to Big Little Stories. You can also download Justin’s television interivews and demo videos by going to his Youtube Motivational Videos page.
So for inspirational videos with previews of Justin talking on motivation, sales, service, leadership and change, check out any of the above links. If you would like to book a motivational speaker for your next conference or training session please email
Justin Cohen interviewed on TV about his book: “The Astonishing Power of Story” on SABC News International